

Objectives Education TechnicalExposure ProfessionalExperience  ProjectProfile Achievements

Client- Learning Byte International 
Software Used:-
    Front End User interface created with Java Swing
    Back End Microsoft SQL Server 7.0, Java Web-Server 2.0(for Development)
    Technologies used JDK1.3, Swing, JDBC, and Servlets
Coding and testing
Team Size-4
Duration-3 monthes
Description- The Script Automation Tool is to automate the process of script writing at Learning Byte International for their E-learning courses. This tool helps in reducing the Lead-time required and to handle complex file name generation. It generates the scripts in required format.
The aim of project is to give access to the users from various geographical locations (where Learning Byte International (LBI is operating) to a centralized database through a comfortable user interface on the front end